京都へおこしやす(9)随心院 附京都のパワースポット

今週の京都へおこしやすは醍醐寺周辺の「随心院」を御案内します。今回は少し、変わった一筆書きルートでいくつかの寺社を廻りました。メインのお寺は「伏見稲荷」「醍醐寺」ですが、どちらもすでに訪れていましたので省略しました。通常は例によって、混雑する、二つのお寺はどちらか先に早朝にご覧いただいて、順次廻るものとします。今回は小さいお寺だけを4箇所回りました。伏見稲荷に始まり、最後に醍醐寺で終えるルートです。①伏見稲荷②石峰寺(五百羅漢)③宝塔寺(仁王門・多宝塔〕④随心院 ⑤勧修寺(庭園・観音堂)⑥醍醐寺、尚、このルートは最後の醍醐寺の「上醍醐」へは少し無理かとおもいます。宝塔寺から、随心院まではJR奈良線〔稲荷駅)と地下鉄東西線〔小野駅)が六地蔵駅乗り換えでうまく廻れます。凡そ1日で廻れます、是非お試しください。

1)随心院の見所 (一部ウキペデア抜粋)
  • 本堂 - 桃山期(1599年)の建築で寝殿造り。
  • 薬医門、大玄関、表書院 - 九条家ゆかりの天真院尼の寄進により寛永年間(1624年-1631年)に建造されたと伝える。花鳥山水の図、虎の図などの襖絵がある。
  • 奥書院 - 江戸時代初期の建立。狩野派絵師による襖絵で装飾されている。
  • 能の間 - 九条家の寄進により宝暦年間(1753年-1764年)に建造された。
  • 総門、庫裡 - 宝暦3年(1753年)二条家よりの移築、庫裡は同家の政所御殿であったもの。
  • 小町庭苑 - 竹林の中に文塚、小町榧、仁海供養塔、清瀧権現が点在する。
  • 小野梅園 - 境内には約230本のの木がある。山紅梅、白梅、薄紅梅などがあり2月末から咲き始め3月中旬が見頃となる。もっとも多い薄紅梅の色である薄紅梅色を「はねずいろ」ということから「はねずの梅」とも呼ばれている。
  • 化粧井戸



   随心院 - Wikipedia

 JR東日本の地図参照 山師・醍醐の4Cです。適宜拡大ください。



本堂前庭園江戸・池泉鑑賞 四季を通じて楽しめる
奥書院の襖絵 内緒で撮影「謝」



By Google  Machine Translation
What is power spot ...
Please check the transportation system carefully.
The place full of energy which is the source of every activity. It is a mysterious place that gives "healing" and "vitality", just as it is there, the heart is washed, relieving, refreshing, coming up with better luck.
It is considered that power is strong in spirit places, sacred places, thick places of faith, and Kyoto with many temple shops can be said to be a treasure trove of power spot.
Sickness healing, money fortune, misery, school accomplishment, kids, love god ... Although the times change, people's troubles remain unchanged. Faith by profit is rooted in Kyoto since ancient times. To God that is familiar to the so-called "interest Mr.", spirit stones, spirits, spirit trees · · ·
Each has a unique legend. It will surely be given the power that matches that interest
A story about Heiankyo's birth. When Emperor Kamui newly built the capital, the viewpoint as to whether the land is a power spot or not was emphasized.
In ancient times, construction of urban areas and installation of buildings, the "Qi" that carries energy is respected, and it is said that Yin Yang and Feng Shui chose powerful power spot. Kyoto surrounded by mountains on three sides is protected by feng shui and is a place chosen as a choice as a ground for the capital.
Please check the transportation system carefully.
Pentagram star of the seimei jinja  Shrine
The Yin Yang teacher of the Heian era, the beautiful Shinto shrine dedicated to Abe seimeii, is located near the Ichijo return bridge, a legendary ground of "Returning and returning bridge". Originally it was a mansion of Miyake herself, and it was also a base which was active as Dr. Azumi Azumi.
The "five-pointed star" decorated everywhere in the main shrine brings out a unique atmosphere. As a symbol of Yin-Yang five-line theory which became the basic concept of Yin Yang, she used a crest of a five-pointed star, and a five-pointed star was useful as a monster of all amulets. In the precincts you can see the spirit stone "Pesticide Peach" and the Reiki "Shima well".
shuumei jinja  Shrine
City bus 9 "Ichijo bridge, front of the shrine"
Kameishi of Nomiya Shrine
Nomiya Shrine of the oldest torii style in Japan, the Nomiya Shrine, was a place where Shimane who served Ise Shrine on behalf of the Emperor was cleaned up before going to Ise. It was built by choosing a clean place in Sagano. "The Tale of Genji" also depicts a beautiful scene of Kurogi Torii and Koshibaki. Currently known as Omrushi, Koji Bunsei, the god of learning, it is said that if you pray while praying the stone "Kamekishi" near Nomiya Daikokuta, your wish will be fulfilled within a year.
Nomiya Shrine
City bus 28 "Nonomiya"

Various spirit stones
The stone of love fortune telling
Jinushi jinja  shrine
The guardian stone that makes up the place of love is said to be old in Jomon period.
Transportation: City bus 206 "Shimizudo"
Negai  tama stones
Leizan Kannon
We will make various wishes at the precincts which are well-touted in the feng shui of Higashiyama.
Transportation: City bus 206 "Higashiyama Yasui"
Engiri musubi  stone
Yasui konpiraguu Shrine
A prayer that cuts off evil bonds and connects good fellows. It is popular enough to have a queue.
Transportation: City bus 206 "Higashiyama Yasui"
Iwagami san
Manzoku Inari shrine
It is said that spirit rocks, which are said to work well if they refer to bad places, will improve their minds. It is in the company of Yukari Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Transportation: City bus 206 "Higashiyama Sanjo"
Tsukinobe Stone (Tsuki nobe ishi)
Tsukiyomi jinja  shrine
Shingen stone that is related to Shingo Empress. We are collecting respect for pregnant women as a guardian deity.
Transportation: City bus 28 "Matsuo Taishae front"
Nagi ishi 
Saiinkasuga  Shrine
Some who wish to have no accident on departure of the trip, others pray for health restoration.
Transportation: City bus 26 "Nishi Oji Shijo"
Matage stone
Umenomiya Taisha
It is said that Emperor Saga's spiritual stone related to the Empress is blessed with children's treasures.
Transportation: City bus 28 "Umenomiya Shrine front"
Omokaru stone
Fushimi-Inari Taisha
When lifting a lantern stone, you can tell if your wish will come true by feeling heavy or light.
Transportation: JR Nara Line "Inari"
Aho kashi ishi
Imamiya jinja Shrine
A unique spirit stone whose name is also unique, has a magical power, fortune telling whether the wish will come true, cure the disease.
Transportation: City bus 46 "Imamiya Shrine front"
         You read it till the end, and I was happy



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