毎日のクラシック曲(第242回) Beethoven
日時(date) | 1-Feb-17 |
ジャンル(Genre) | Classic |
音源(sound source) | CD |
TV局 | |
作曲者(composer) | Beethoven |
分類(Classification) | 協奏曲 |
曲名(Song Title) | Piano Concerto #5 "Emperor" |
演奏者(Performer) | Maurizio Pollini |
指揮者(conductors) | Claudio Abbado |
楽団(Orchestra) | Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra |
専門家推薦盤(Expert recommendation board) | Friedrich Gulda (pf) |
Alfred Brendel; Simon Rattle: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra | |
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli; Carlo Maria Giulini: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra | |
Zimerman・Bernstein | |
Wilhelm Backhaus; Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra | |
Glenn Gould; Leopold Stokowski: American Symphony Orchestra | |
Beethoven, Concierto para piano Nº 5. Edwin Fischer - Furtwängler | |
Alfred Brendel, Beethoven, Piano Concerto No.5 (Emperor), 199 | |
クラッシク音楽鑑賞辞典295 | |
推薦図書(Recommendation book) | レコ芸名曲名盤500 45 |
クラッシク不滅の名盤1000 | |
名盤鑑定百科協奏曲編 | |
不滅の名曲はこのCDで | |
ピアノ名曲・名盤1053 | |
コメント | 1年たっても。まだまだ、名曲が残っています。この曲もそうです。とりあえず、7人に絞って、聴いてみることとします。ピアニストならば一度は演奏したい曲でしょう、大巨匠・巨匠はほぼ揃っているが、面白いことに、アルゲリッチは入れていない、なぜだろう?、珍しく、グールドも演奏したCDが見つかった。プロの推す、フイッシャーとレヴァイン・ブレンデルはYoutubeで探してみた。やはり、ポリーニ・アバドと、グルダ・シュタイン盤が良いと思います。これだけ、ベテランが占めていると、若手も入りずらいのだろうか、次回もう一度取り上げるべきだろう。 |
(This year, in Amazon, I got a few large used books of "Ukiyo-e", Utamaro, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Sharaku, Harugi and others, but as roughly as a commercial "adorable" painting Using a pencil with a small amount of blemishes, I started doing the finishing with a pencil and finely finishing the finish, I started it as it was, I started with the purpose of practicing ceramics painting, but it was funny, I drew a few kabuki actor pictures. I struggle with the kimono pattern painting. However, the playful part is inexhaustible. Currently, I am studying that painting of monochrome pottery will be colored in this year's living.)
(This year, in Amazon, I got a few large used books of "Ukiyo-e", Utamaro, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Sharaku, Harugi and others, but as roughly as a commercial "adorable" painting Using a pencil with a small amount of blemishes, I started doing the finishing with a pencil and finely finishing the finish, I started it as it was, I started with the purpose of practicing ceramics painting, but it was funny, I drew a few kabuki actor pictures. I struggle with the kimono pattern painting. However, the playful part is inexhaustible. Currently, I am studying that painting of monochrome pottery will be colored in this year's living.)